Saturday, 18 October 2014

101 Things to Do

So lately I feel so unmotivated and sad and empty and unexciting. Here's a list of 101 things I want to do (hopefully I'll be able to check off most of them by the end of 2014).

  1. Get a skateboard and do an ollie!
  2. Run up an escalator the wrong way
  3. Make an origami crane. 
  4. Like someone and let them know (UPDATE: I might actually go through with this because I have no dignity left.)
  5. Write down an awesome dream and do something creative with it. 
  6. Feed that white tiger again!! 
  7. Make at least 3 videos!
  8. Learn to play and sing a song on the piano
  9. Finish the Maze Runner Game
  10. Failed parkour attempt?
  11. Get rly involved in a school club and be recognized for it
  12. Paint something good enough that could be hung on a wall
  13. Learn to whistle
  14. Ouija board!
  15. Learn to juggle!
  16. Have an awesome performance w/o stage fright!
  17. Get fit!
  18. Make the honor roll?
  19. Watch Breaking Bad, Downton Abbey, Suits S4, Dexter, Hannibal S2, Modern Family, Selfie, Supernatural S10
  20. Pull a prank on someone 
  21. Have perfect makeup for a day (perf winged eyeliner and eyebrows)
  22. Get full points on a game of QuizUp
  23. Write a short story
  24. Help him with that movie, make it awesome!
  25. make an awesome logo in Illustrator
  26. Make an awesome Flash proj

Hi, it's 1:17 A.M. and I've only came up with 20 things to do but hopefully I'll come up with more. 


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