Friday, 31 October 2014

Why I Hate Halloween

I like Halloween, but I also hate it. Everyone assumes I'm all about it because I'm relatively freaky. I threaten to kill people with stationery. Not the case. Here's why:

  1. Everyone dresses the way I dress every other day of the year. 
  2. I am no longer unique because of this.
  3. I get nothing.
  4. It's not an actual holiday. Do I get to stay home? No. Do I get a half day? No. I GET NOTHING.
  5. The decorations. Is that an actual skeleton or a real one. If it's real, can I have it.
  6. I always get really disappointed when I realise it's fake blood.
  7. I'm too old to go trick or treating.
  8. I have to give candy out to little kids.
  9. Girls who take it as an excuse to wear bikinis and heels. We're not in California.
  10. How are they not getting in detention?!?!
  11. Everyone expects me to go over the top. I'll push them off the top of the fifth floor.
  12. It's so short. Why, it'd be nice if Halloween was in winter so that those girls can freeze to death or something. Or in the middle of summer so that they can burn since winter doesn't work properly here.
  13. It still isn't appropriate for me to threaten to stab someone with scissors. 
  14. 'quirky' costumes. Why are you dressed as a cheeto? 


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