Monday 13 October 2014

How To Not Fall Asleep In Class

How To Not Fall Asleep In Class

Chances are, you're a teenager and are therefore lazy, or incredibly sleep deprived. And chances are, you're gonna wake up late. Be prepared for this.

Take a freezing cold shower. This ensures maximum alertness so that you can experience the whole High School experience with increasing tuition bills! Remember, you are preparing yourself to pull a Steve Rogers and be frozen in ice for a long time as well as effectively waking you up.

Your next step is to inhale as much sugar and caffeine as humanly possible. This is extremely crucial and is not to be skipped. Take with you to school in a solid bottle since some schools don't appreciate your efforts to not fall dead at your desk. 

If you find yourself dozing off in the middle of a lecture, drink from your not-at-all-suspicious bottle. If that fails, I find mints help. So now you smell like coffee and mints. Mmm, super attractive.

At lunch, don't even bother. You probably fell asleep while doing homework, finish that up before you have to run to your next class. This gets you moving and ensures that you are super pumped up for class! Also, steal your friends sugary drinks and snacks. Remember, only the strongest survive. 


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